Bacon Cheeseburger Dip has all the things a healthy young sports fanatic needs to go with their beer – Bacon, Burger, and Cheese. For extra yardage, make your own Fritos at home with just two ingredients!

Today we have an American football classic. A coffee table hors’derve needed every Sunday from September though February. When you’re looking to go big on flavor there’s nothing bigger than the holy trinity of Bacon, Beef, and Cheese. Bacon Cheeseburger Dip is a super easy one hour recipe that you’ll want to share with all your friends on football Sunday. Footnote; consumption of an entire dutch oven full of Bacon Cheeseburger Dip is not advisable by your medical practitioner. At least not without a case of American lager to wash it down with.
I created Eat Up! Kitchen to talk about eating real whole foods from local farmers and food producers. It’s good for everyone for a lot of reasons. But let’s be real here, sometimes you just want junk food. And frankly you can’t expect everyone at your football party to be eating hummus and homemade veggie burgers. There’s always that one guy with a Miller Lite talking about his famous tailgate sliders. This is for that guy – let’s call him Troy.

This really is an easy recipe. It all happens in one big pot in about an hour. I’ll take you through how I made it but I’ll give you some tips on what you can do differently too.
The first thing we’ll do for Bacon Cheeseburger Dip is fry up some bacon. Cut the bacon in to quarter inch pieces and heat them up until they’re crispy and a foam starts to form. At this point you can remove the bacon and grease leaving one tablespoon of grease in the pot. Toss in a diced onion to sweat in the bacon fat until tender. Remove the onions and add the ground beef. I like to cook everything in batches here for a couple reasons. For one it’s just a lot easier to keep an eye on everything to make sure they’re cooked to my liking. It also gives me the ability to control the amount of fat this is all cooking in. I just keep a couple small bowls to transfer the bacon and onions in to then dump them back in. Once the beef is browned you can add the bacon and onions back then add the spices.
I have parsley in this recipe. It’s there for color and psychological trickery. I’m just using a few spices here to give the sauce a hint of something like a ketchup or barbecue sauce – brown sugar, cayenne, and chipotle. I didn’t want to go overboard with the spices but feel free to adapt to your liking. I’d certainly enjoy some minced jalapeƱos add in with the onions too. Stir in your spices with the bacon, beef, and onions and allow to cook through for a few minutes.

You can use canned crushed tomatoes or whole tomatoes crushed by hand. Diced would be fine too. Up until this point the bacon, onions, beef and spices have all cooked in total about 20 minutes. Give the tomatoes some time to heat up and simmer for another 20-30 minutes over medium low heat. Once everything is cooked down a bit give it a taste for season and add any salt or pepper you think it might need. Add diced or grated cheddar cheese and cream cheese. If you want to bring this up a notch you can go full velveeta.
Once the cheese is fully melted your ready to eat! My suggestion though is to allow this to completely cool if not chill over night. Reheat in the oven or transfer to a crockpot to stay warm all day. Garnish with some reserved bacon and a bit psychological trickery parsley.
For homemade Fritos you just need Masa and Water. Combine 1 1/5 cups masa and 1 cup water. Knead in to a dough ball and roll out between to pieces of parchment paper. Use a pizza cutter to cut in to thin strips. Fry in corn oil and season well with salt. I’ve posted the full recipe over here – Homemade Fritos.