Is Banana Bread a Breakfast or Dessert? You decide! This family recipe takes 15 minutes to prep and 45 to bake.

My brother-in-law has been asking me to make his grandmother’s recipe for Banana Bread for a while now. I set a goal for myself to make it before Thanksgiving so here ya go! I actually made this pretty quickly late last night and let it sit overnight covered with a kitchen towel. If you can’t wait that long, warm banana bread is awesome – just let it cool for at least 15 minutes on a wire rack.
We can call it ‘bread’ as much as we want but you know this is cake, right? With that in mind, I really don’t know if this is a dessert or a breakfast. I served this with some sliced banana, walnut chunks, and homemade whipped cream. Making whipped cream at home is so easy. All you need is a cold bowl, a whisk, heavy cream, and elbow grease. Whip furiously for 5 minutes and you’ve got whipped cream! I added a but of sugar, nutmeg, and vanilla extract to this whipped cream.

I’m not exactly a banana bread connoisseur but this is pretty great stuff! It’s nice and moist on the inside, it definitely tastes like bananas, it’s not too sweet, and I like the added walnuts a lot. The exterior was a bit over baked for me so next time I might try using oil instead of butter to grease the pan. I may have been having problems with my oven temp too. Make sure to check your bread with a tooth pick about 38 minutes in to the 45 minute bake time. The bread is done when the toothpick pulls out clean.